公司拥有潜水作业安全资质,潜水作业资质, 船级社水下作业资质认证。 公司主要服务范围:水下录像、水下打捞、水下照相、船体清理、桨叶抛光、水下焊接、水下切割、水下堵漏、水下安装维修、无损检测及其他技术服务。公司服务的对象主要有船舶、平台、组建模块及其他海上钢结构物等。
Our company has diving operation safety certificate, diving operation level 4 and underwater inspection by Class. The main service scope of the company: underwater video, underwater photography, hull cleaning, blade polishing, underwater welding, underwater cutting, underwater leakage blockage, underwater installation and maintenance, NDT testing and other technical services. The company mainly serves ships, platforms, building modules and other offshore steel structures, etc.